Wednesday, July 25, 2012

IEEE Transaction Starter: How to Start Writing a IEEE transaction paper

Here I want to show tasks that helps you get to know how to write a paper for IEEE transactions.

1. Visit "IEEE Author Digital Tool Box"
and Read "Instructions" for different Templates.
You may need only read the instruction for the template you will use. Here we focus on the "Instruction Only" in the "Template fors Transactions" part.
* In this step, you will have a basic knowledge on the rules of writing a paper in IEEE society, especially for transactions and journal.
2.1 For MS Word users,
2.1.1 please download "Template and Instructions on How to Create Your Paper".
2.1.2 Please follows the instruction in the document to create your paper.
2.2 For Latex users,
2.2.1 You need to download "Transaction Style File", either "Unix LaTeX2e Transactions Style File",
or "WIN OR MAC LaTeX2e Transactions Style File".
* The Bibiliography file is included in the file (under the directory of "bibtex").
2.2.2 Read the "IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf" to know how to use the style file.
2.2.3 Read the "IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf" under "bibtex" directory to know how to manage bibliography.

After finish these simple tasks, you should have a basic knowledge on the technical issues for your paper.